Hello, people! Long time no see.
Sudah berlalu hampir setahun sejak terakhir nulis
Dan sudah banyak yang terjadi
Terlalu banyak
So the good news is I'm engaged to the lovely guy, Jelang Ramadhan, yang selalu dan selalu jadi cuynya Wanis, hahahaha
I've been trying to write everything about us on my page, but I think the whole story can't be written.
I can't even write anything on my page since everything goin' better and better between us. I'm sure that the whole story is written all over his head (re: my blog is movin' to his head(?) hahaha)
I thank all people whom always support us, or not, or just me, or just him.
I thank my college bestfriends, Dila, Ami, Eja, Manda, Zetta, Dwita, yang sudah bikinin proper party, bridal shower. Bukan itu sih indikatornya bestfriends, tapi yaa one of best moment should be remembered with you guys these days.
I really am grateful, for being with you, my dearest Jelang Ramadhan.
Hehe gabisa deskripsiin orangnya gimana.
I just always feel much alive, much better, much loved, much happy, much sad, all the positive and negative thought, feelings, everything, in a good way, with you.
And I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I thank You Allah, for keeping us save. I pray for a good future, to all people I love. Mom dad brother, all the big family, bestfriends. It's always nice, to be with you all.
I love you.